1. Papers in peer-reviewed journals

1.1 Papers published in 2017

Cooper R, Jarre A. 2017. An agent-based model of the South African offshore hake trawl industry: Part I, model description and validation. Ecological Economics 142: 268-281. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2017.06.026.

Cooper R, Jarre A. 2017. An agent-based model of the South African offshore hake trawl industry: Part II, drivers and trade-offs in profit and risk. Ecological Economics 142: 257-267. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2017.06.027.

 Gammage LC, Jarre A, Mather C. 2017. A case study from the southern Cape linefishery 1: The difficulty of fishing in a changing world. S Afr. J. Sci. 113(5/6), Art. #2016-0252, 8 pages. http://dx.doi.org/10.17159/sajs.2017/20160252.

 Gammage LC, Jarre A, Mather C. 2017. A case study from the southern Cape linefishery 2: Considering one’s options when the fish leave. S Afr. J. Sci. 113(5/6), Art. #2016-0254, 10 pages. http://dx.doi.org/10.17159/sajs.2017/20160254.

Lockerbie EM, Coll M, Shannon LJ, Jarre A. 2017. The use of indicators for decision support in northwestern Mediterranean Sea fisheries. J. Mar. Sys. 174: 64-77.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2017.04.003.

Sydeman WJ, Thompson SA, Anker-Nilssen T, Arimitsu M, Bennison A, Bertrand S, Boersch-Supan P, Boyd C, Bransome NC, Crawford RJM, Daunt F, Furness RW, Gianuca D, Gladics A, Koehn L, Lang JW, Logerwell E, Morris TL, Phillips EM, Provencher J, Punt AE, Saraux C, Shannon LJ, Sherley RB, Simeone A, Wanless RM, Wanless S, Zador S. 2017. Best practices for assessing forage fish fisheries-seabird resource competition. Fisheries Research 194: 209-221. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fishres.2017.05.018

2. Chapters in books

3. Theses

4. Mimeos / Working group documents / reports

Leadership is provided to the global Indicators for the Seas Working Group sponsored by IOC and EurOceans, www.IndiSeas.org.


Members of the SARCHI ME&F group contribute regularly to scientific working groups at DAFF:Fisheries and DEA:Oceans and Coasts, as well as their task teams and related workshops.
