1. Papers in peer-reviewed journals

1.1 Papers published in 2016

Bundy A, Chuenpagdee R, Boldt JL, de Fatima Borges M, Camara ML, Coll M, Diallo I, Fox C, Fulton EA, Gazihan A, Jarre A, Jouffre D, Kleisner KM, Knight B, Link J, Matiku PP, Masski H, Moutopoulos DK, Piroddi C, Raid T, Sobrino I, Tam J, Thiao D, Torres MA, Tsagarakis K, van der Meeren GI  Shin Y-J. 2016. Strong fisheries management and governance positively impact ecosystem status. Fish & Fisheries http://doi.org/10.1111/faf.12184

Coll M, Shannon LJ, Kleisner KM, Juan-Jordá MJ, Bundy A, Akoglu AG, Banaru D, Boldt DL, Borges MF, Cook A, Diallo I, Fu C, Fox C, Gascuel D, Gurney LJ, Hattab T, Heymans JJ, Jouffre D, Knight BR, Kucukavsar S, Large SI, Lynam C, Machias A, Marshall KN, Masski H, Ojaveer H, Piroddi C, Tam J, Thiao D, Thiaw M, Torres MA, Travers-Trolet M, Tsagarakis K, Tuck I, van der Meeren GI, Yemane D, Zador SG, Shin Y-J. 2016. Ecological indicators to capture the effects of fishing on biodiversity and conservation status of marine ecosystems. Ecological Indicators 60: 947-962. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2015.08.048

Hobday AJ, Cochrane K, Downey-Breedt N, Howard J, Aswani S, Byfield V, Duggan G, Duna E,  Dutra LXC, Frusher SD, Fulton EA, Gammage L, Gasalla MA, Griffiths C, Guissamulo A, Haward M, Jarre A, Jennings SM,  Jordan T, Joyner J, Ramani NK, Shanmugasundaram SLP, Malherbe W,. Ortega-Cisneros K, Paytan A, Pecl GT, Plagányi EE, Popova EE. Razafindrainibe H,Roberts M, Rohit P,. Sainulabdeen SS, Sauer S, Valappil ST Zacharia PU, van Putten EI. 2016. Planning adaptation to climate change in fast-warming marine regions with seafood-dependent coastal communities. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. http://doi.org/10.1007/s11160-016-9419-0

Kirkman SP, Blamey L, Lamont T, Field JG, Bianchi G, Huggett JA, Hutchings L, Jackson-Veitch J, Jarre A , Lett C, Lipiński MR, Mafwila SW, Pfaff MC, Samaai T, Shannon LJ, Shin Y-J, van der Lingen CD, Yemane D. 2016. Spatial characterisation of the Benguela ecosystem for ecosystem-based management. African Journal of Marine Science.   http://dx.doi.org/10.2989/1814232X.2014.982187

Lockerbie EM, Shannon LJ , Jarre A. 2016. The use of ecological, fishing and environmental indicators in supportof decision making in southern Benguela fisheries. Ecological Indicators 69: 473-487. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2016.04.035

Watermeyer KE, Hutchings L, Jarre A., Shannon LJ. 2016. Patterns of Distribution and spatial indicators of ecosystem change based on key species in the southern Benguela. PLoS ONE 11(7): doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0158734

Weller F, Sherley RB, Waller LJ, Ludynia K, Geldenhuys D, Shannon LJ, Jarre A. 2016. System dynamics modelling of the Endangered African penguin populations on Dyer and Robben islands, South Africa. Ecological Modelling 327: 44-56.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2016.01.011

Weller F, Sherley RB, Shannon LJ, Jarre A, Steward T, Altwegg R, Cecchini L-A, Crawford RJM, Geldenhuys D, Ludynia K, Waller LJ. 2016. Penguins’ perilous conservation status calls for complementary approach based on sound ecological principles: reply to Butterworth et al. (2015). Ecological Modelling 337: 1-3. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2016.06.002

2. Theses

Tyler, T. 2016. Examining the feeding ecology of two mesopelagic fishes (Lampanyctodes hectoris and Maurolicus walvisensis) off the west coast of South Africa using stable isotope and stomach content analyses. MSc thesis, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cape Town. 78 pp.

3. Mimeos / Working group documents / reports

Leadership is provided to the global Indicators for the Seas Working Group sponsored by IOC and EurOceans, www.IndiSeas.org.


Members of the SARCHI ME&F group contribute regularly to scientific working groups at DAFF:Fisheries and DEA:Oceans and Coasts, as well as their task teams and related workshops.

Sherley RB. 2016a. A Bayesian approach to understand the effect sizes, uncertainty and demographic impact associated with purse-seine fishing closures around African penguin colonies. Confidential document (MS for publication in the primary literature). Please contact Richard for details.

Sherley RB. 2016b. Additional analysis suggested in response to differences in variance estimates between Sherley (2016) and Ross-Gillespie & Butterworth (2016). Pdf available here.

Weller FG, Sherley RB, Altwegg R, Jarre A, Shannon LJ. 2016. Additional perspectives for the Stock Assessment Review Panel on penguin population modelling for decision making. Pdf available here.


In August 2015, the SARCHI ME&F group co-hosted, with WWF-SA and the Responsible Fisheries Alliance, a workshop which reviewed the implementation of the ecosystem approach to fisheries in South Africa and discussed next steps:

McGregor ES., Duncan JA, Greenstone JD, Shannon, LJ, Jarre A. 2016. Workshop outcomes: A decade of the ecosystem approach to fisheries in South Africa, 2005-2015. 30 pp.