#ECCWO5: recognition and contribution

Our hard work over the past many years has been recognised by affording us the opportunity to run a scientific session at the high-profile Symposium on the Effects of Climate Change on the World’s Ocean in Bergen at the end of April, supported by ICES, PICES, the UNESCO and FAO. Louise, Kelly and Lynne convened S4 on “Improving decision-making in response to change in marine-dependent coastal communities using transdisciplinary approaches” and Astrid delivered a plenary keynote to the more than 700 participants from around the world, entitled “Climate and fisheries in the social-ecological systems of the southern Benguela: a 15-year voyage into inter- and transdisciplinary research for decision making”. This was a reflection, on a global stage, on what we have found and contributed through the SARChI Chair in Marine Ecology and Fisheries.
Our MSc graduate Kayla Andra and Post-Doc Eugin Bornman also did us proud. All in all, we showcased our work in five oral and three poster presentations in various symposium sessions and were met with much professional interest and praise.
And we enjoyed a full week of sunshine in Bergen in good company.
Watch the plenary keynote here - scroll forward to 1h31 mins in this two hour session recording.
Watch much of the our Session here.