The unexpected scientist
Clara Steyn

Unlike many of my classmates, I knew exactly what I wanted to do after matriculating in 2011. The mental map of my life stretched before me resembled a perfectly straight line that confidently passed through the all-important landmarks of life: university, career, house, family and comfortable retirement. Soon after finishing school, I skipped the gap year and applied for a place at UCT Drama School to study Theatre and Performance. Read more here.
Ecosystem modeling picks up speed
Samantha Grusd

I attended the "Ecopath 35 Years – Making Ecosystem-Based Management Operational" conference and workshops in St. Petersburg, Florida (USA) from 04th– 11thDecember 2019. The focus of this conference was to explore the progression of the Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) and Ecospace framework in fields such as fisheries management, ecosystem-based management, marine conservation, ecosystem dynamics, and climate impacts over the last 35 years, and to initiate new capabilities of the framework. Read more here.
A melting pot of science and art in support of system transformations
Louise C. Gammage

I attended the “Transformations 2019” conference from 16-18 October 2019, hosted by the University of Chile at the Andrés Bello Campus in Santiago, where I presented a poster overview of my PhD work. I chose to attend this conference as I wanted to expose myself to an audience that may be unfamiliar with my research methods and study sites, and to engage with scholars with whose work I was likely to be unfamiliar with. Read more here.
SARChI ME&F researchers’ participation at the IMBeR FutureOceans2 conference, in Brest, France (17-21 June 2019)
Louise Gammage & Marieke Norton

The International Marine Biosphere Research Programme’s (IMBeR) FutureOceans2 conference took place in Brest, France from 17-21 June 2019. The conference theme was centred around “ocean sustainability for the benefit of society: understanding, challenges, and solutions”. Specifically, Future Oceans 2 aimed to foster inter-and trans-disciplinary discussions and to provide forums to strategically map future research directions based around three themes (see ( ). Read more here.