As die see byt (Hooked by the sea)

We are very happy and proud to have finalised the film of our musical theatre “As die see byt”, co-produced with The Rainbow Exchange, and the documentary “The making of…” that goes along with it. Dewet van Rooyen from Wyrd films is currently putting the last finishing touches to both, and we will be able to screen it at the end of September in Melkhoutfontein, for everyone who helped with the stage production last December. The production is based on the scenario stories developed with fishers from Melkhoutfontein during Louise’s PhD research. It's been a fantastic collaborative project with professional and community actors, as well as professional musicians and an ensemble from the Melkhoutfontein school choir.
We plan to take it to the communities in the southern Cape who collaborated with us in the SCIFR project, and are looking forward to the feedback opening new possibilities for joint research.