Prof Marcello Vichi Inaugural Lecture | UCT Inaugural Lecture Series 2024

~ Monday, 21 October, Professor Marcello Vichi had the honour in delivering his Inaugural Lecture titled “Fifty degrees of separation: Why Antarctica and the polar regions matter for Afrika”, at UCT Upper Campus.
Professor Vichi is based in the Department of Oceanography, currently serving as the Head of Department, and also serves as Director of the Marine and Antarctic Research Centre for Innovation and Sustainability (UCT-MARiS). He has served as chief scientist on three winter expeditions aboard the icebreaker SA Agulhas II and is a member of the Academy of Sciences of South Africa. Antarctica and the Southern Ocean, though far from Africa, play a crucial role in regulating the Earth’s climate. South Africa, a founding signatory of the Antarctic Treaty, is a key gateway for expeditions. The Southern Ocean helps absorb excess heat and carbon, mitigating climate change. This lecture will offer a fascinating journey through the Antarctic sea ice and ice sheets, explaining the significance of these polar environments for the planet’s wellbeing and why it is essential for Africa to engage in polar research.
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