These are a selection of publications about marine and Antarctic related research done within the MARiS Centre and with our associated partners and collaborators.
The RV SA Agulhas II and MARiS are paving new ways to measure waves in the marginal ice zone. This is the result of a very active international team, that brought together researchers from Australia, South Africa and Italy.
The RV SA Agulhas II and MARiS are paving new ways to measure waves in the marginal ice zone. This is the result of a very active international team, that brought together researchers from Australia, South Africa and Italy.
Solutions to complex and unprecedented global challenges are urgently needed. Overcoming these challenges requires input and innovative solutions from all experts, including Early
Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs).
With many discussions around ocean equity and justice, and many more to be had, this review can act as a source for those looking to change the status quo.
UCT-MARiS PhD student, Riesna R Audh and several other UCT-MARiS sea-ice researchers presents the first biogeochemical data for young and growing sea ice in the Atlantic Antarctic marginal ice zone.
UCT-MARiS PhD student Ashleigh Womack and several other UCT-MARiS and external sea-ice researchers presents on how storms affect different Antarctic marginal ice zone drifts during winter sea ice growth and spring sea ice retreat.
UCT-MARiS PostDoc, Dr Luca Stirnimann and several other UCT-MARiS and external sea-ice researchers highlights the complementary role of the Southern Ocean phytoplankton community composition in modulating carbon export.
UCT-MARiS PostDoc, Dr Eugin Bornman used the ODEMM approach for scoping an integrated ecosystem assessment for the southern Benguela, from the early 1960s - present, and zooming in on the most important fisheries.
UCT-MARiS Oceanography PhD student, Wayne de Jager and Prof Marcello Vichi from UCT-MARiS highlights a knowledge gap on the possibly increasing influence of the under-ice ocean on drift dynamics.