UCT-MARiS provides services to any Department or research unit at UCT in which prograduate research has a marine aspect, e.g. Biological Sciences, Electrical Engineering, Environmental & Geographical Sciences, Historical Studies, Institute of Marine & Environmental Law, Mathematics & Applied Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Molecular and Cell Biology, Oceanography, School of Economics, Social Anthropology, Sociology and Statistical Sciences. 

For all marine-related research at UCT, MARiS can:

  1. Co-design, co-develop, co-ordinate and co-facilitate the bringing together of researchers and students from across and within various disciplines to address current marine research imperatives at UCT.
  2. Co-organise marine scientific events (e.g. meetings, workshops, conferences).
  3. Publicise academic research outcomes & projects via the
    • MARiS networks
    • MARiS website
    • MARiS Annual Report
    • MARiS Annual Forum
    • Generate discussion platforms on marine- related issues (both science and society) via:
      • MARiS Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn account
      • MARiS blog
      • Discussion sessions/forums
      • Assist in the development, establishment and maintenance of marine-related networks and databases.
      • Involve marine postgraduate students in outreach and community-based activities.
      • Provide a professional research management service for contracts, funded research projects and programmes, encompassing all financial and management functions.
      • Administer and manage marine student bursaries, coordinate existing funding sources and, where possible, source additional bursary funding.
      • Disseminate marine-related information and notifications to the marine community across disciplines at UCT.
  4. Translate and transfer scientific outcomes to broader society.
  5. Attract students into postgraduate programmes in marine science at UCT.
  6. Assist in the development and implementation of student support structures.


On the other hand, you can support MARiS via:

  1. Promoting the concept of interdisciplinarity within marine science.
  2. Choosing to be listed as a researcher affiliated with MARiS and be listed on our website.
  3. Sending information about marine-related projects to be listed on the MARiS website.
  4. Encouraging all marine postgraduates to subscribe to theMARiS student network, the MARiS distribution list and to contribute to the MARiS news blog and other MARiS activities.
  5. Showcasing your research at the MARiS Forums.
  6. Where appropriate, listing MARiS on your publications as an address along with your departmental affiliation.
  7. Outsourcing MARiS to organise and co-ordinate marine-themed seminars, meetings, workshops and conferences.
  8. Popularising your research and research outcomes by sending them to be posted on the MARiS website, distributed via the MARiS distribution lists and highlighted in the MARiS Annual Report to the URC.