Seminar: How is Biological Production in the Ocean Really Controlled?

05 Dec 2014
05 Dec 2014

Dr Bror Jonsson

Department of Geosciences, Princeton University

How is Biological Production in the Ocean Really Controlled?

Monday, 12 May 2014 at 1pm


Studies of biological processes in the ocean tends to focus on specific domains in time and space to address individual scientific questions, but it remains a challenge to merge results from different studies into an unified framework. My presentation suggest a new approach to bridge different scales by exploring how properties such as chlorophyll or Net Community Production (NCP) are distributed in time and space and to what extent changes in phytoplankton biomass is episodic or more uniform. The results give us the ability to better quantify how  biological processes are distributed in space and time and the influence by physical forcings.

Please see the list below for seminars in May. To recommend a speaker, please contact me.

Thank you and regards,


MA-RE SANCOR Seminars in May

All seminars are held at 1pm in the UCT Oceanography Seminar Room.

Date Speaker Topic
12 May

19 May

23 May

26 May
Dr Bror Jonsson
Department of Geosciences, Princeton University
Dr Mariette Wheeler
University of Cape Town and
Department of Environmental Affairs
Dr Mark Jury
Physics Department, University of Puerto Rico
Assoc Prof Mafaniso Hara
Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS),
University of the Western Cape
How is Biological Production in the Ocean Really Controlled?

Effect of human disturbance on the behavioural responses and offspring survival of grey-headed albatrosses Thalassarche chrysostoma at Subantarctic Marion Island

A compendium of 2011+ research highlights from Mark Jury

Efficacy of rights-based management of small pelagic fish within an ecosystems approach to fisheries in South Africa