Tuesday Chattie: Fishers’ knowledge and culture in marine resource management

18 Aug 2015
18 Aug 2015

Date: 18.08.2015, 1pm 

Location: John Day Museum

Speaker: Pierre Yves Hardy
Event Details: Tuesday Chattie

Visiting postdoc Pierre Hardy will be presenting some of his work around the “Use of fishers’ knowledge and culture in decision making tool design for marine resource management”

Abstract: Fishers’ knowledge and culture are hardly taken into account in ecosystem based approach for marine resource management although their sea representation, their collective arrangements, their expertise on the fishing systems are source of great potential to study the resilience of the small scale fisheries. Several examples will be provided from the case study of Solomon Islands (Melanesia).background: Two MSc degrees, one in marine biology and one in human sciences with a PhD on the topic “Resilience and marine resource management in South West Pacific” based on a twofold approach linking Marine Anthropology and Ecological Economics.

Pierre Yves Hardy (PhD) holds two MSc degrees, one in marine biology and one in human sciences with a PhD on “Resilience and marine resource  management in South West Pacific” based on a twofold approach linking Marine Anthropology and Ecological Economics.